Do Good Project Week 10 : Prototyping (Experimentations & Failure) - Advanced Software Interrupt for Reading Serial Data
Final Consideration & Execution
Since it's an experience design, I sort out the solution by giving the user a different experience when interacting with the jellyfish. I will change the narration by introducing the jellyfish to the user and asked to express either their negative/positive thoughts freely.
Technical Tryout
Light Effects
I have tried out total of 20 different light effects for background noise, rising and falling intonations. I plan to randomize the effects whenever Arduino receives new data. Here is the video of different light effects.
Advanced Software Interrupt for Reading Serial Data
Since the problem is not solved in Week 9, it was brought to this week. Currently, the problem that I'm facing right now is that the light effect couldn't perform instantly when receiving a new data input.
In order to let the Arduino to receive every new data in every 1000000 microseconds, I have to attachInterrupt() by catching new data and performing the task given.
For this week, I don't have much progress to show as I'm just trying and error. There are many failures during the process, thus there is nothing much to show this week. However, I will make sure next week will be more progress.
McWhorter, P. (2018) LESSON 30: Advanced Software Interrupt Techniques for Reading Serial Data on Arduino. Youtube. March 21. Available at:
McWhorter, P. (2018) LESSON 30: Advanced Software Interrupt Techniques for Reading Serial Data on Arduino. March 21. Available at:
Stoffregen, P. (2015) Timer One. Github. March 26. Available at:
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