Do Good Project Week 18 : Final Submission


People often deny or overlook their inner shadow and think that pursuing positivity is how we should live. But the truth is that both positive and negative make us who we are. Due to the highly competitive environment, young adults who are between 18-30 years old tend to judge themselves and make self-comparison with others which leads to the spiral of negative mindset. The bad impact of a negative mindset will lead to decreased motivation as well as greater feelings of helplessness. This physical light installation aims to help people accept their negative mindset and realize the beauty of both positive and negative elements inside us and how we complete ourselves to survive in this challenging environment. The message conveyed is to accept and follow the flow of life which makes us who we are today.

Melda is an interactive jellyfish that could listen and respond to humans. Jellyfish is used as the main visual element as we have to accept things from happening and learn to survive just like jellyfish. When the user speaks in positive intonations (happy tone), the jellyfish will portray warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow. When the user speaks in negative intonations (sad tone), the jellyfish will portray cool colors such as blue and purple. Users will get to experience the beauty of the combination of both positivity and negativity which is carried by the jellyfish to survive in the dark ocean. The inner light of jellyfish allows people to shine from the inside out letting those around to see who they are. 

This project emphasizes single-user interaction as users will feel more comfortable speaking freely about their mindsets in the room. There will be audio aid from Melda to guide the users in expressing their thoughts. Visuals of the ocean in coded algorithms will be projected on the wall for users to immerse themselves as the ocean reflects the deepest inner of ourselves and our unknowing parts in mind. However, the ocean environment will change as well when the user is speaking in different intonations together with the light installation.

The project installation can be installed in universities or colleges that would empower and motivate students to restructure and reshape their patterns of seeing negative and positive thoughts. Imagine a student who is having a bad day and steps into the room to express his/ her thoughts to Melda. The student will feel calm and relaxed when entering the room with the ambiance of waves. The experience of visualizing the beauty of their thoughts differently through the light medium could create an impact on the user’s inner self-value. Besides, the light installation can be installed in hospitals for the patients to interact with. Melda could create an experience for the patient to feel relaxed and comfortable to express their emotions and thoughts that are kept deep within themselves. This will help the patient to cheer up their day with some minor interactions and beautiful visualization of Melda. 

(495 words)


Jellyfish (Falling Intonation) (Gif format in Week 16)

Jellyfish (Rising Intonation)


Jellyfish (No Interaction)

Portrait Photos

I have taken quite a number of photos of the jellyfish as different light effects portray different moods. I've also taken portrait photos with the jellyfish and the visual outcome shows that the installation could illustrate the beauty of their positivity and negativity after the interaction with Melda. I've also taken photos of my friend with Melda. In my opinion, the light installation can be further modified and improved to exhibit to the public. Besides experiencing the beauty of inner thoughts, the visual of the jellyfish could attract the public to take photos and the message could be conveyed to a wider number of audiences through social media. 

Rationale Video

Behind The Scene

This video is just for self-documentation purposes only as it is part of my experience when handling the project. It would be part of my memorable experience to kick off the light installation. 

User Walkthrough

Learning Plan Phase 3

Phase 3: What have I learned?

What actions have I taken?

-Conduct core experience testing with my interviewees and undergo critical thinking for a better outcome

-Conduct interviews with different users and dig out their pain points in a friendly manner.

-Evaluate and examine the best solution to meet the needs of the target audience through an interactive installation 

-Exploration on fabrications such as soldering, wiring, etc and materials for the installation

-Learned the languages of JavaScript on P5.js. and C++ on Arduino

-Experimenting on different light transitions and effects for the LEDs strips through a library called ‘FASTLED’ on Arduino

-Understand the way of using teachable machines and collect voice samples from different people to train the machine learning

-Research on tutorials and seek guidance from lecturers during the experimentations on the prototyping

What barriers have been removed?

Not completely removed, but I could say overcome it by sorting out other solutions that would still hit the concept. 

I have met a lot of obstacles and failures in the technical part as they are quite new to me. However, the accumulation of the failures has taught me to understand better on what is working and what is not working. It helps me to examine and evaluate the problems faced and the solutions to solve them. 

Some coding parts might work at first but it might not work after adding another new input. Thus, critical thinking and self-determination during the learning process have to be strong as I need to continue to be passionate about what I’m doing although obstacles are quite demotivating sometimes.

What has changed about what I don’t know?

I have learnt a lot on the technical part after exploration and experimentations on Arduino and p5.js. Initially, I did not know the serial communication between arduino and p5.js. During the exploration, try and error is the key in order to make something work.

Besides that, I have taken the initiative on studying examples from secondary resources and tutorials from the Internet that helps my project. When I’ve faced obstacles and struggle during part of the process, I’m not afraid to seek help from the experts in order to achieve my goal.

Do I know what I want to know?

Week 11 

Yes, I could say I’m still in the process of achieving my learning goals. Based on the progress currently, I’m experiencing a lot of self-realization as well when doing the project.

I’m new to all the software such as Arduino, p5.js, and teachable machines at first. Besides, I have no experience in building a physical installation as I have had no chance to visit the fab lab in the last few semesters due to the pandemic. 

Based on the current progress, I understand better the coding languages and fabrications compared to the previous state. I also have a better understanding of my capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses when handling the project.

Week 18

I have met my learning goals in this project. Beta test is conducted in week 17. Based on their response, they are eager to interact with the light installation with different intonation to experience different visual effects of the jellyfish. They are also able to understand the message delivered through Melda at the end of the interaction. Before kick-starting this assignment, I have zero knowledge of light installation. However, I have managed to understand the techniques including soldering, wiring, coding, fabricating, and criteria that need to be considered when handling a light installation. 

Annotated Bibliography

I have stated the tutorial resources that I've explored on every blog. Below are the sources that are beneficial to me from the start to the end of the project:

Chevalvert (2015) “Murmur: from sound to light by talking to walls”. Design Boom. [online] Jun 5. Available at: 

Murmur is an architectural prosthesis made with Raspberry Pi and Openframeworks that allows passers-by to communicate with the wall on which it is mounted by imitating the flow of sound waves, creating a bright bridge between the physical and virtual worlds. I was inspired by the combination of the audio and light that could bring something mundane to alive. The conversion of sound to light has inspired me to think further more on my project.

English with Kim (2018) “Intonation Exercises: Change Your Tone of Voice to Express Emotions in English”. Youtube. Sep 6. Available at: 

This video helps me to have a better understanding of 3 different intonations which are falling, rising, and neutral tones. It’s beneficial to me when collecting samples for machine learning.

FastLED (n.d) GitHub. Available at: 
FastLED (n.d) Available at: 

FastLED libraries are the libraries for me to code on the light effects instead of Adafruit. I personally feel that the examples in the FastLED library are easier compared to Adafruit. These two sources have helped me to understand the functions that are available in FastLED and I'm able to explore more on the light effects based on the description of the sources. 

ITP Physical Computing (n.d) "Lab: Two-Way (Duplex) Serial Communication Using An Arduino and P5.js". Available at:

This tutorial has a better guideline to connect the p5.serial port. Based on the code examples given, I'm able to connect the p5 serial port with Arduino. I have learned a technique called flow control (call & response) where the sending program only sends when it is commanded to, and the receiving program must request more data every time it finishes reading what it already has

jen_GSA(n.d) "Teachable Machine: Image Classification + Sound Output". p5.js Web Editor. Available at: 

I have managed to find an example code to address the problem of sensitivity on the teachable machine. The source code in the sketch above guides me to obtain the sensitivity level from the teachable machine. With the method above, I'm able to call a new data/switch light effect whenever the detection is above 90%. 

McWhorter, P. (2018) "LESSON 30: Advanced Software Interrupt Techniques for Reading Serial Data on Arduino". March 21. Available at:

This tutorial is very beneficial in helping me to address the problem of switching the light effect of LEDs lights from Arduino when receiving new data. The function of attachInterrupt() is used to overwrite the existing data and perform a new function when new data is received within that short period of time.

McWhorter, P. (2018) "LESSON 30: Advanced Software Interrupt Techniques for Reading Serial Data on Arduino". Youtube. March 21. Available at: 

The video tutorial illustrates how the attachInterrupt works. The author/creator explains the function very in detail that helps me to understand better the logic behind the codes.

p5js. (n.d) "onended()". Available at: 

The callback function has taught me to set the timer as the function schedules an event to be called when the audio or video element reaches the end.

TheCodingTrain (2019) "Teachable Machine 3: Sound Classification". Youtube. Nov 11. Available at: 

The tutorial is regarding machine learning on sound classification. The tutorial has helped me to translate the code from teachable machine to p5.js. Besides, the tutorial guides me to understand each line of code and how every code works. The tutorial is easy to follow and understand, thus I could handle it in one day through this tutorial. 

Van, S. (n.d) "p5.serialport". GitHub. Available at: 
NPM. (2020) "p5.serialserver". Available at: 

These two sources are the packages for me to download in order to connect between p5.js and microcontroller. The library includes examples of codes for me to explore during the prototyping stage.

Yuan, I.Y. (2018) "Tutorial: Serial Communication with Arduino and p5.js". Medium. Nov 6. Available at: 

The tutorial has taught me how to communicate between Arduino and p5.js. It gives me a better understanding of how serial communication works and the libraries to connect between the microcontroller and p5.js.

Third-Party Assets


Audio Library PH. (2018) "Calm Seashore - No Copyright Sound Effects - Audio Library." Youtube. March 29. Available at: 

Melyn. (2021) "waves_Blue." OpenProcessing. Sep 24. Available at:


Krukov, Y. (2021) "A Student Taking a Written Exam". Pexels. June 3. Available at: 

Krukov, Y. (2021) "College Students in the Classroom". Pexels. June 3. Available at:

Krukov, Y. (2021) "Woman in Black Blazer Sitting at the Table". Pexels. July 23. Available at:

relaxdaily(2013) "Beautiful Slow Instrumental - music for studying, background, healing, relax - relaxdaily N°062." Youtube. Jan 3. Available at:


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