
Showing posts from January, 2022

Do Good Project Week 11: Prototyping (Problems Solving & Success)

In this week, I have manage to solve all the problems that has been stacked up during the past few weeks. For example, attaching interrupt on Arduino to catch a new data, setting up multiple LED strips with different light effect on different pins, communicating between the teachable machine (using intonations) and the Arduino, and finally testing out the structure of the jellyfish on the actual material.  Due to the exploration and the failure that has accumulated during the past two weeks, I have identified what is working and what is not working. Thus, I slightly get an idea on what to solve and how to solve it by this week. Technical Tryout Advanced Software Interrupt for Reading Serial Data  The screenshots above are the correct codes to attach interrupt. The reason why am I struggling on the technical part is that I'm inserting the coding functions blindly by following the tutorial. For my case, I only have to work around with Serial to communicate between the p5.js and ...

Do Good Project Week 10 : Prototyping (Experimentations & Failure) - Advanced Software Interrupt for Reading Serial Data

Blueprint Final Consideration & Execution Since it's an experience design, I sort out the solution by giving the user a different experience when interacting with the jellyfish. I will change the narration by introducing the jellyfish to the user and asked to express either their negative/positive thoughts freely.  Technical Tryout Light Effects I have tried out total of 20 different light effects for background noise, rising and falling intonations. I plan to randomize the effects whenever Arduino receives new data. Here is the video of different light effects. Advanced Software Interrupt for Reading Serial Data Since the problem is not solved in Week 9, it was brought to this week. Currently, the problem that I'm facing right now is that the light effect couldn't perform instantly when receiving a new data input.  In order to let the Arduino to receive every new data in every 1000000 microseconds, I have to attachInterrupt() by catching new data and performing the tas...

Do Good Project Week 9 : Prototyping (Experimentations & Failure) - Set timer & Multiple LED arrays

Technical Tryout Without further ado, I continue the prototyping this week. I try to explore the Timer in p5.js as I'm still unsure with the execution part but I'm just trying on exploring some technical knowledge. The timer is used for playing the next narration after one is completed.  Besides that, there are some problems that occurred after connecting p5 and Arduino. Some light effects couldn't loop and were detected by the Arduino. I take some time to amend some light effects to make sure everything works fine.  Problems I also explored attaching multiple LEDs strips on different pins. It works well when the same light effect when played at the same time. However, when two different light effects are playing at the same time, it doesn't work. It only will play light effect 1 on LED strip 1 and continue on light effect 2 on LED strip2.  Another problem is that I try to combine Arduino, p5.js, and teachable machines on a sketch. Teachable machine is a machine learnin...

Do Good Project Week 8 : Core Experience Testing & Prototyping (Serial communication between p5.js and Arduino)

User Prototype - Core Experience Testing  Test 2 This week, I start to test out the core experience of the prototyping to the main target audiences. I have listed two scenarios.  Scenario 1- Expressing negativity and positivity using intonations without the guide of Melda Scenario 2- Expressing negativity and positivity with the guide of Melda Based on the user testing, it is found that users did not know what to do in scenario 1 if the users are given their own time to do whatever they want in the room. The interaction experience does not hit the main concept as users are just shouting and playing around with the intonations in the room. They request to have a guide for them to express themselves and visualize the feedback given by the jellyfish. 100% of the users are willing to express their negative thoughts and talk with the jellyfish as they are given a personal space to talk with the jellyfish.  100% of the users wish to interact with the jellyfish and have a guide ...