Do Good Project Week 7 : User Prototype & Project Developement

User Prototype (Test 1)

A quick user prototype is conducted among peers to get their feedback as a user. Throughout the prototype, I speak verbally and give tasks for the user to experience the installation. Besides, I also show the programmed LED lights and ask them to imagine the color tone and motion.


Tone of voice

The tone of voice for the jellyfish can be more friendly. This is to let users feel comfortable interacting with the jellyfish. For example, Hello, I'm Melda. I'm your manifestation of your inner self. You can express your negativity and positivity freely to me. I'll let you witness the beauty of your inner thoughts. See the light within yourself to survive in this challenging environment. In this aspect, an ultrasonic sensor can be used to trigger the narration when the user is near the jellyfish.


For the lighting effect of the jellyfish, one of the users suggests that the lights of jellyfish can fade in and out more naturally as the jellyfish is more on an organic organism. The transition of lights can be slower.


The beauty of positivity and negativity are portrayed through lights and the combination of the lights hit my main concept. Users are able to understand how the interaction works and visualize its beauty. However, the meaning of intonations has to be explained more as intonations are similar to pitch. Audiences have to understand what's the difference between both intonations and pitch.

Further Research on Intonations

Intonation as referring to the way we use the pitch of our voice to express particular meanings and attitudes. From the research, I understood that intonations can be categorized to 3 different parts which are falling, rise and neutral tone.

I also study intonation practices in order to train machine learning. This is the video that I found useful to refer to when collecting samples of different intonations.

Technical Development

At this stage, I'm still currently working on programming the lights for different intonations. Besides, I will be collecting different voice samples in order to train machine learning.

Peer Critics

During the lesson, we also hold a peer critic session for the project development. Here are the questions that have been asked and answered during the session.

What problem are we trying to solve?

Young adults aged between 18-30 often have spiraling negative mindsets due to social comparison. When they make comparisons among peers, they will start to experience low self-esteem which leads them to overthink and dive into their negative mindset. They will start to question and self-doubt about their own capabilities which affected their motivation in learning.

The main concept of this project is to encourage people to embrace their negative mindset as part of the flow of life and realize the beauty of both positivity and negativity in their inner selves.

How do you know it is a real problem?

Based on the primary research and data collected from the interviewee. Most of them especially students are struggling to deal with their mindsets.

Who are we solving for?

  • Young adults aged between 18-30 years old.
  • The occupation that ranged from students to working adults

How will we know if we have solved this problem?

Observe their behavior. Based on the engagement from the users. When they can feel the beauty of their inner self through the visual portrayed from the sculpture after the interaction.


  • High intonation faster ocean movement, low intonation slower ocean movement
  • Ocean color changes following the intonation
